Climate Change ~ Eco Elixirs

"Climate 🌍 Change"

            Good day readers, this is Eco Elixirs. A team of three girls that have had enough of all this ignorance on the issue of climate change. The Earth's climate is changing; temperatures are rising, snow and rainfall patterns are shifting, and more extreme climate events.  Many people around this Earth have no idea what climate change is. Now Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. This doesn't sound so grievous, but as greenhouse gas emissions blanket the Earth, they trap the sun's heat. This leads to global warming and climate change. The world is warming faster than at any point in recorded history. Warmer temperatures are changing weather patterns and disrupting the usual balance of nature. This warmth poses many risks to human beings and all other forms of life on Earth.

            Eco Elixirs, have come up with a mobile application to curb this issue in the best way possible. The name of this application is "Earth Exp." Climate change needs behavior change. In every single action you make throughout your day, there’s an illusion of choice: that you’re acting however you like. Though if you look through a different lens, you can see that your world has been designed for you to interact with it in a certain way.

            Understanding this, we developed EarthExp using a persuasive design, effective but hard to notice. The app implements persuasive strategies providing its users with features of their interest while causing a gradual behavioral change in their attitude towards certain factors, in this case, concerning climate change. Each feature of the app aligns with a persuasive strategy which includes reduction, personalization, tailoring, self-monitoring, rehearsal, tunneling, and simulation.

            The app provides a news feed on climate change reports, a ‘trends’ page where users get involved in call-to-actions, campaigns, trends, and crowdfunding related to climate change, and a page where articles written by users can be read. The app has a mobile game where users make choices in building their cities from the floor, and according to how much CO2 they emit while doing so, the climate is forced to react accordingly. As each level advances, users build with more complex and civilized materials leading to more emissions. Their world would only be healed based on how they manage and compensate for these emissions. 

            The aim of the game is to put users in the position of the national government and train them to make effective eco-friendly decisions. A carbon footprint calculator integrated with virtual reality makes users experience the effects of their annual emissions. Artificial Intelligence is also implemented to help users differentiate between carbon-emitting and non-carbon-emitting objects using AI image recognition technology. The persuasive design explores what motivates users and what drives them towards action and then implements psychology instead of graphical design. It is the smallest thing we could do to help the biggest number of people fastest.

Thank you for reading, like and share ~ Eco Elixirs


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